Each and every day, companies world-wide introduce new pet products that will make the life of our cats a healthy and happy one.

Our crew of reviewers, who delight in trying out new products, have been busy. They've been putting items through a series of tests, including using them in their daily lifes. Then, they let us know their thoughts and recommendations, and we pass them along to you so that you can make an informed decision when purchasing for your cats.

If your company has a new product that you would like our team to review, please contact'll be happy to run it through its paces!

We hope the following reviews will help when you are considering a purchase for your cat:

CFA Branded Products

Petmate® Products

Our thanks to Petmate® for generously providing the following products for our crew to use in their homes and review.

Other Products


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The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc.


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This program is supported by The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc.